I hope Alex isn't the only one who recognizes the title but I wouldn't be s'prized if he was. I want to share with you a 2007 release by Public Enemy called "Harder Than You Think" on their own label. Yes, it's that Public Enemy and they are ROCKIN on this song. Give it a minute and then listen up. Chuck D raps about the current state of the Hip Hop culture and blasts it out in a way that proves he deserves his spot in History, but even better, the tune is catchy.
If it wasn't for me playin you this, would you have ever heard it? Unlikely. I hope you like it and I hope you comment.
Oh, and by the way, here's a worthy diversion. BLOGGER PLAY
It's a real-time slide show of all the user pics being uploaded to various Blogger blogs.
N F W!!! If you click on the pics in the Blogger Play slideshow, it will take you to the blog that the pic is associated with! That is so awesome!!! Just think of the randomness you can be exposed to! I clicked on a cool beach pic to see what would happen and it took me to some German person's personal travel blog.
Way way way too much potential for cool random accidents there!
I got to listen to the Public Enemy song - pretty cool - I like the horns, and the rapping. That guy still sounds the same!! I think it is weird to listen to a voice like that and it can trigger a whole barrage of memories and recollections of things that seem so long ago!! I think that this made me realize a little why I don't enjoy listening to a lot of 80's music and older stuff - (although I did enjoy listening to this song) (and I do enjoy some other music that has more positive feelings - for me at least - associated like the Scorpions and the Cult, things that remind me of you guys) but 80's music and such - Public enemy was on the Less Than Zero soundtrack - my all time favorite 80's movie - anyways - those songs make me feel old! And my life is so much happier now, that I like current music more I guess, freshness sort of. It is weird, because I did like this song, and I do like remembering Less Than Zero, but it made me realize why I could do without the 80's comeback. Hmmmm did you expect all of that? I think it is good though when bands can come out with something that sounds current, but also sounds like themselves, guess that is why I like that Dirty Little Rockstar song - I alos really liked that tiger song, I did hear a little fascination street, but not so much that it just sounds like they put their own words on someone else's music - good job guys.
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