Saturday, June 9, 2007

Here's something I'll bet Sara and Matt didn't know:

While Alex and I were in college, for a while we lived in an apartment that had solar-powered hot water. We liked it a lot.

Especially since it allowed us to go three months without turning on the electricity.

The only thing we missed about electricity was Alex's massive Kenwood stereo system that he had. Buy was it tough to get along without music.


Sara said...

Was that that place up on Tramway - where you had some Christmas lights strung up, and it was an incredibly awkward floor plan with no room for beds? Or did I make that place up in my mind?

Eric said...

YES! We loved that place, as wacky as it was... probably like 385 sq. ft. TOTAL!

Hey, do you want me to change you to Bruno?

Matt Wade said...

THis was the place with a spiral staircase and in between the insides of the apartments there were a ton of plants? memory is fuzzy, I was probably like what, 12, 13?

Eric said...

That was the place. The building had this super-cool atrium and was RIGHT by the freeway... I thought it was a great place. Guess what I just realized? I say "we" a lot... putting words in Alex's mouth like I'm talking for both of us!

Matt Wade said...

I say we alot as well, in most stories I tell from the good ol' days there was always a partner in crime, whether it be Ryan, Justin, or I guess even Megan (can you believe we've been together over 4 years?), although those days aren't that ol'